Alfred Pullin

Alfred William Pullin, known by the pseudonym Old Ebor , was a British sports journalist who wrote primarily about rugby union and cricket. He wrote mainly for British newspapers the Yorkshire Post and the Yorkshire Evening Post. Considered by critics to be one of the greatest authorities in the country on his two sports, he wrote a daily column using his pseudonym Old Ebor for 40160years. Most often associated with his reporting on Yorkshire County Cricket Club, he has been credited as defining the role of a sports journalist. Two of his most widely known works were on cricket Talks with Old English Cricketers and History of Yorkshire County Cricket, 190323.

Pullin was born in Abergwili, Carmarthenshire in 1860, to Alfred Trask Pullin, the local schoolmaster, and his wife, Adelaide Evans. His father studied for Holy Orders ordained in 1875, he moved to Yorkshire as an assistant curate.

Source: Wikipedia